Saturday, May 15, 2010

I think I'll have a drink...

It has been a little while since my last entry, and looking back on the past few weeks there is no wonder why I'm so damned tired. Every now and then lyfe stands up and kicks you in the nuts, and the only thing you can do about is take the shot and try not to let anyone see you cry from the pain. This has been my lyfe for the past few weeks. I'm not really sure why. I think I'll have a drink, or two or twelve...

Maybe I'll write a book. Maybe I'll start a podcast. Maybe I'll do both.

In this Lyfe and these Tymes it is hard to say what will happen.Til next tyme-


Monday, April 5, 2010

There comes aTyme...

There comes a tyme in every ones life where you have to define what makes you different from the rest. I have been searching for answers to this dilemma for some tyme now. There are some things that I can tell you about myself....I hate self doubt. I hate infidelity. I hate disrespect.

All these things, in all forms, make me want to do unpleasant things to those who cause them.

I am trying to be pleasant...

I am no better in design than any one else, but I strive to be better than I was yesterday. It is unforgivable to me, the unwillingness, or lack of desire that some possess that keeps them from searching for perfection. Only tyme will tell, as they say tyme heels all wounds...We shall see.


The past...

Many years ago, things in my life were none to happy. Running with the wrong crowd, being a heathen, doing things to people that should never be done to anyone or anything.
Yes, it was me who put an ice pick into a mans left eye, simply because he made an off the cuff remark about me with me with no knowledge of what was really going on.
Yes, it was me who set a mans testicles on fire for taking my whiskey bottle and throwing it into a lake.
Yes, it was me who, in the past, thought these things were admirable.....

The past is over....These are the life and TYMES.......

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I am still having some trouble with the real scope of this blog. Sharing my feelings has never come easily to me.Still I wonder if I am actually sharing anything new. Am I writing things that people can see for themselves just by looking at me?Why do I suddenly have so many damned questions?

Self doubt is annoying. I despise it. And yet today I seem to be full of it. Tyme will tell, and I will learn......

This morning I woke up and thought I had a pretty good idea of what kind of man I am. However this evening, while attending an Easter event, out of respect for my girl, I realized that I actually have no frigging idea who I am...Do you believe in God? Do you believe in puppies? Do you believe in beliefs?
I want to say that I do believe in God. I think I do. But, I really don't know if I do.
How does anyone know anything? I have always believed that we learn things to be true or we learn things to be questioned. We know that the sky is blue because we learned what blue looks like. But, what if what I think blue is, is actually red? Does that mean the sky is red?
I learned about Jesus Christ. I learned about his sacrifice for my sins. I learned about his sermon on the mount. And at the same time ,in school I learned that Pluto was a planet. Now they say its a star...What am I supposed to believe? And why am I having such a hard tyme doing it?

Monday, March 15, 2010

living in these tymes

I am one of the 12 percent of those with Tourette's that never grew out of it...Living in these tymes, as an adult with TS ,can be troubling to say the least...But one thing that I have found that helps me is the love of a good woman and lots of Haldol...I come from a respectable background, from a loving home and still I wonder if any of that matters. What I mean is, are we all destined to be something and it is up to us to find whatever that something is...or all we all the same in the beginning and stuff like family and environment make us different at the end of the day...?Oh to have the answers....

I'm not trying to sound depressing or anything, I just wonder sometimes if I am doing what I was created to do...

I still have no idea in what direction to take this blog...I mean, its not like I'm trying to make living out of it or anything...I don't have the knowledge, skill, talent or desire to take it that far...More from the bishop later, as for now it is tyme to slip into a haldol nap...


I'm really not sure...

As I sit here at my workstation I have come to realize that there are things in this world I will never really understand. Things like quantum physics and aeronautics, however there are things in this world that I know. I'm just not really sure how these things can help. More on that later...I guess my plans for this blog are these. #1- To entertain(entertaint) readers like yourself.#2-To creatively express myself in a healthy manner. And #3- well, I haven't really thought of a number 3 yet so we will stick with what we have...
Till next tyme-----BIshOp